Category: Small Biz Advice

Year End Tax Planning Edition

It’s time to review some tax-planning opportunities that can be undertaken for the 2021 Tax Year..  Contribute to Your RRSP Contributions to RRSP’s are tax deductible and the income earned within the plan grows tax deferred until retirement. You can… {Read more}

Voluntary disclosure

If you owe money to any of the tax authorities because you failed to file a return for one or more years, you can make a voluntary disclosure. You will pay only the tax due plus interest. No penalties will… {Read more}

Small-Town Subcontractors

CRA Investigates Small-Town Subcontractors In 2016, CRA auditors reviewed municipal building permits in smaller communities. The auditors were checking for unregistered small-town subcontractors’ work sites. The result was that of the over 8,000 building permits reviewed about 33% were for… {Read more}