What is your hiring strategy? Most business owners know that hiring the right talent is one of the best ways to ensure the company’s success. However, small business hiring budgets tend to be limited, making it necessary for the company to concentrate its efforts on the most effective hiring practices. For this reason, it is important for every small business to choose the right recruitment strategy.
Overview of Different Hiring Strategies
Small businesses can seek out new talent in several different ways. Some of these recruitment methods include:
1. Using your own network of contacts.
Most small businesses already have a network of contacts that they use in the course of operation. Many of these contacts are in the same field as the business. As a result, they may have access to talented individuals looking for work in the field. Some small businesses make use of these connections by advertising job openings in their own network.
2. Online recruiting.
Using social media websites, such as LinkedIn, small businesses can access a large pool of job candidates with very little investment or time. Other websites, such as Monster.com, also allow small businesses to create and distribute job listings. Once candidates have been located, they can be invited to complete various forms of tests online to determine whether they are a good match for the position. Some small businesses even conduct a portion of their interviews online.
3. Using employment agencies.
Small businesses that don’t have the time to handle recruitment internally may outsource this task to a third-party employment agency. These agencies review the qualifications for each open position and search for talented potential employees who fit the bill.
4. Seeking out specific people.
If your company has a competitive benefits package to offer, you may consider seeking out specific people to fill your open positions. These people are typically well-known in the field and established, so it may be more difficult to convince them to change jobs. Alternatively, you may also choose to focus on up-and-comers who have a reputation for excellence on the job.
Selecting a Strategy
Selecting the right strategy for your company can be challenging. In many cases, small businesses elect to use more than one of the hiring strategies above. For example, you may look for talent in your own network while simultaneously reviewing responses to the job offer you posted online. Likewise, you may look for specific people to fill a given position but then cast a wider net if the individual doesn’t seem interested.