Harper Government joins forces with industry to take aim at the underground economy
The Honourable Kerry-Lynne D. Findlay, P.C., Q.C., M.P., and Minister of National Revenue announced today a three-year strategy to combat the underground economy in Canada. Entitled “Reducing Participation in the Underground Economy,” the strategy was tabled in the House of Commons, and follows the inaugural meeting of the Minister’s Underground Economy Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) on November 17, 2014.
The UE strategy signals a renewal of the Government’s ongoing efforts to reduce the social acceptability of, and participation in, the underground economy. Members of the Minister’s Advisory Committee, selected from a broad cross-section of industry leaders and academics, have reviewed and endorsed its approach and will be instrumental in advising on the strategy’s implementation.
The mandate of the Minister’s Advisory Committee is to advise on the current underground economy trends, help identify emerging risks, deepen government’s understanding of taxpayer compliance behaviour, and contribute to the development of innovative compliance tools. In addition, committee members have the networks and communications channels to broadly consult, inform, and educate high-risk members.